Submit your nomination for the 2025 Local Heroes Awards

4 February, 2025 |

The Vision Super Local Heroes Awards, in partnership with the Australian Services Union (ASU), are back for their fourth year – and we’ve made a few changes, including boosting the prize pool, in line with our long-term vision to build a bigger and better fund that continues to put our members first.

Vision Super was originally established to provide superannuation cover for public sector workers and while we’re now open to everyone, the Local Heroes Awards are just one way that we retain a link to our local government heritage.

Our members and their stories drive our passion for the job and our commitment to deliver. This is particularly evident in the nominations we receive for the Local Heroes Awards, which are designed to bring much-needed recognition to the work of local government employees who go above and beyond for their community.

Nominations are open to all local government workers in Victoria, including employees of associated organisations operated by the council, and local libraries. Nominations may be made on behalf of others or self-nominated.

To be nominated, the local government/library worker or team must demonstrate at least one of the following criteria:

  • Made a significant difference to a community or member of a community
  • Contributed to the safety of an individual or group in the community
  • Made a substantial contribution to the welfare of a vulnerable person or group in the community. 

This year, we’ve introduced four separate awards categories, based on whether the nominee works for a metropolitan or regional council and in what capacity they have positively impacted their community. The awards categories are:

  1. Environment, Infrastructure and Recreation Local Heroes Award – Metropolitan
  2. Families, Health and Community Development Local Heroes Award – Metropolitan 
  3. Environment, Infrastructure and Recreation Local Heroes Award – Regional
  4. Families, Health and Community Development Local Heroes Award – Regional

Is there a local hero who you’d like to see recognised for their contribution to the community?

More information on the categories and the nomination process is available on the 2025 Local Heroes Awards page. We have provided some examples for the categories but please note that they are just there as a guide and are by no means exhaustive.

Nominations close on 4 April 2025, and the winners and runners-up will be announced at a gala awards ceremony on Thursday 15 May 2025, which will be held at Victorian Trades Hall Council in Carlton.

A $1,000 gift card grand prize will be presented to the winner of each category and $500 gift cards to the runners-up to acknowledge the outstanding contributions they’ve made.

Finalists from previous years have included:

  • Abbas Sheik from Wyndham City Council was nominated for using sport to engage Culturally and Linguistically Diverse young people, and those from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds.
  • Adelaide Jones from Merri-Bek Libraries was nominated for being instrumental in conceiving, planning and organising the Queer Youth Clothes Swap at Brunswick Library.
  • Eleonora Tambourini from Darebin City Council was nominated for going the extra mile to assist clients after hours in her role as a Community Service Worker, often in her own time and at her own expense.
  • Lachlan Cozens from Campaspe Shire Council was nominated for being an integral part of the recovery efforts in Rochester after the devastating 2022 floods.
  • Millicent Burke from Moonee Valley City Council was nominated for her work with local community environment groups to improve biodiversity and climate resilience within the municipality.

Nominations close on Friday 4 April 2025 – learn more, including the terms and conditions, here.

4 February, 2025 |

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