Vision Super has announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Active Super, to explore a potential merger.
This announcement will not result in any changes to your account or any member services, and there is nothing for you to do.
You can read Vision Super’s press release here.
The number of super fund mergers has grown recently, leading to a smaller number of larger funds. The trend is driven by the growing acceptance that members can benefit from the economies of scale. These benefits potentially include lower fees and enhanced sustainability for the longer term.
A merger with Active Super would see an almost doubling of Vision Super’s membership and funds under management. Merger can be a cost effective way to grow compared to growing organically.
Like Vision Super, Active Super is a fund for the local government sector (in NSW). Active Super shares our values and commitment to responsible investment.
We now move into a due diligence period, where we will examine every aspect of a potential merger to ensure that it is in our members’ best financial interest.
We pride ourselves on our personalised member service and our competitive returns to members. This will continue to be our focus should we merge with Active Super in the future.
We will keep you updated on our progress with this exciting development.
Member Hotline 1300 300 820
Employer Hotline 1300 304 947
Retirement Hotline 1300 017 589