Local Heroes Awards return for third year

10 January, 2024 |

We’re pleased to announce the return of the Vision Super Local Heroes Awards for 2024, in partnership with the Australian Services Union (ASU).

Now in their third year, the awards are designed to bring much-needed recognition to the work of local government employees who go above and beyond for their community.

Nominations are open to all local government workers, including employees of associated organisations operated by the council, and local libraries. Nominations may be made on behalf of others or self-nominated.

Past nominees have stretched across the state, from Darebin City Council in Melbourne’s inner north to Moira Shire Council on the New South Wales border.

What has remained consistent, year on year, is the passion shown by nominees for making a meaningful difference in their community.

Motivated by shared values of compassion, selflessness and generosity, nominees are often shocked and overwhelmed to discover they have even been put forward for an award.

It’s no mean feat for the judges, comprised of members of the leadership teams at Vision Super and the ASU, to choose a winner and runners-up from such an inspiring group of people.

To be nominated, the local government or library worker must demonstrate at least one of the following criteria:

  1. Made a significant difference to a community or member of a community
  2. Contributed to the safety of an individual or group in the community
  3. Made a substantial contribution to the welfare of a vulnerable person or group in the community

The winner and runners-up will be announced at a gala awards ceremony on Thursday 9 May 2024, which will be held at Victorian Trades Hall Council in Carlton.

A $1,000 gift card grand prize will be presented to the winner and $500 gift cards to the four runners-up to acknowledge the outstanding contribution made by these individuals or groups.

One of last year’s well-deserved runners-up, who was deemed to have contributed to the safety of an individual or group in the community, was Daniel Coon from Wyndham City Council.

Daniel was nominated by his colleague Caitlin Abbey for acting in the roles of Family Violence Contact Officer, Mental Health First Aider, Union Representative and Health and Safety Representative, and providing integral employee support.

“Dan is the first person to offer and promote services to his Wyndham colleagues, whilst maintaining employee confidentiality and rapport. Dan organised a HSR Breakfast Forum on psychosocial risks with keynote speakers from WorkSafe and the unions, where our CEO and entire executive leadership team were in attendance – an achievement in itself,” Caitlin explained.

Dan commented that we all have the power to make a positive difference to someone, even if our efforts don’t seem like much.

I personally don’t do things for the recognition or acknowledgement, I am there to support, represent and listen to others who may be going through tough times and ensure that everyone has a voice.

Daniel Coon

“Being nominated for the Local Heroes Award was an incredible honour. With the prize money I was able to take my family to the snow for the first time. Seeing the smiles on my kids’ faces at the snow put all the effort of supporting others into perspective and validated the work that I, and many others like me, do each and every day.”

“If you know someone that has gone above and beyond to make a significant difference to a community or individuals, I recommend that you recognise them for their amazing efforts and nominate them for the 2024 Local Heroes Award.”

Nominations for the 2024 Local Heroes Awards are now open and will close on Monday 25 March 2024.

For more information, visit our 2024 Local Heroes Awards page here

Is there a local hero who you’d like to see recognised for their contribution to the community?

10 May, 2024 |

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